Thursday, 3 January 2013

Happy New Year

Never mind the kitchenware 

Happy New year beauties and Gents (for the guys who may stumble across this post). 2013 a year of setting goals, achieving them and reaching way above the sky we all know that's way too low right??

I will just give you a quick introduction to the blog and who I am etc. My name is Oluwatosin but called Tosin by many, I'm a 21 year old fashion and etiquette loving lady who extremely loves to get dressed and look good, well don't we all? I am an up and coming image consultant who loves to style ladies, help them develop their image and discover their style. I love to see a well dressed lady and guys too of course, and I figured I just love to help ladies in general in anyway I can.  I definitely believe it is important for one to always look good as you never know who you may bump into on your travels in life. Now image isn't all I live for,and I strongly believe having a beautiful heart supercedes image by far, but for the most part looking good has now become embedded into my lifestyle. 

My image consulting company goes by the name of 'Agape Style'. Agape which is the Greek term for unconditional love , and style which captivates the essence of what I do. Therefore one of the main aims of this company is to get our beautiful ladies to develop a true sense of love for themselves and discover who they are, and in doing so develop their personal style and not live on fashion trends. Which in turn offers you a world of self confidence, self worth and a clear perception of your natural beauty.

I'm sure that's enough from me for now. Be warned you're in for some amazing stuff on this blog. Don't forget to comment, sign up to our mailing list where you will be alerted every time there is a new post, and share the goodness for others to see. 

                                                                 Loads of Agape love

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